March 2019

How to Beat a Drug Trafficking Charge

Drug Trafficking charges in Florida can be confusing to understand. The purpose of Florida’s drug trafficking statute is noble —to target high-level drug dealers or traffickers and to make sure that these people have very serious penalties above and beyond what somebody gets for being a normal street-level dealer. As a result, drug trafficking charges in […]

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If you have been lawfully arrested for DUI (Driving Under the Influence), then the officer may ask you to submit to a breath, urine, or blood test. As we discuss below, the fact that you were lawfully arrested does not mean that the case can be proven against you beyond a reasonable doubt. Rather, a


Reducing a DUI to a Reckless Driving

Reducing a DUI to reckless driving in Florida is not uncommon for individuals that’ve been arrested for driving under the influence, especially if they already understand the advantages. Unfortunately, it’s hard to surmise if your case is a good candidate at the initial or secondary consultation with an attorney.  For one, you haven’t been assigned a

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Florida DUI Consequences: Penalties for Conviction [What to Expect]

Along with court and administrative sanctions following a drunk driving conviction, there are unspoken penalties that can affect you for years to come. Commonly, people facing DUI charges will enter a “plea” to their case without understanding the additional ramifications that the charge may carry. These ramifications are not addressed in terms of the plea agreement. Unfortunately,

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Florida DUI Laws: How These 6 Critical Laws Impact You

There are quite a few varieties of Driving Under the Influence (DUI) laws and charges in St. Petersburg and the rest of Florida. Clearly, a person caught for DUI has violated the Florida traffic law. On one end of the spectrum, there is a first-time offender Florida DUI charge. But, on the other end of the spectrum,

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Florida Law DUI Refusal of Breath Test: What You Must Know

You were arrested. The cuffs were put on. But you followed your gut and refused to blow into the breath test machine. However, the arresting officer said that it could be “used against you”. He took your Florida driver license from you because you refused the to do the breath testing in the breathalyzer. Now

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Body Cameras Reduce Force in Police-Citizen Encounters

Police Car Closeup on Door – Police Cruiser Wraps. Traffic Safety Photo Collection. Christian DenmonA pioneering study on police camera with the Rialto, California Police Department foundthat the use of body cameras reduced use of force incidents by police by almost 60 percent.  Even more startling?  The number of formal complaints filed by citizens agains the police force went

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What to Do When Pulled Over: 11 Things That Will Remove Stress at Traffic Stops

You are driving home from work, and then your mind wanders from the day’s event to a certain nostalgic moment. You are so caught up in reliving the memories and forget to notice your foot is getting heavier by the minute. Unknowingly, you are driving at 59 MPH in a 40 MPH zone. Pretty soon,

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